10 August 2011

I live in Guate now...what?

The view from the roof of our "apart-hotel."

I'm finding my Spanish a little lacking, so just imagine this post with a spiffy and celebratory "we made it to Guate!" title in Spanish. I also considered "First Impressions" but I'm not sure Ms. Austen would be pleased with my knock-off.

After an 8 hour plane ride, we arrived in Guatemala and crashed at our "apart-hotel" which is essentially a glorified extended stay hotel with thatched roofs and a live-in cat named Edmond. Our principal Debbie said it was a "very nice place" and while the office staff is friendly, its construction isn't "very nice." Case and point: hail stabbed holes in the roof and caused quite a lake in the lobby yesterday.

Today was our first day of work. We found our Guatemalan colleagues to live up to their glowing reputation of friendliness. They are so sweet and eager to help us with Spanish (if we help them with their English:). There are about 15 teachers at Han Al to manage 200 students, grades K-12 (mostly Korean, go figure), and there are only 5 American teachers. Each of us has a challenging class load; I'm teaching middle school social studies and science, which amounts to five classes out of a five period day. There is also a serious lack of technology in the classroom--no computers, no projectors, and no tvs. Goodbye, Powerpoint:( At least we have electricity!

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything. It's a lot to take on for a first-year teacher in a new culture. Also, I'm imaging my students to be monsters in adolescent Korean bodies after the reports of the summer staff, so that's a factor. But I always find that, in my most nervous moments, God reveals himself in powerful ways. Notes from home, a promising new church to try on Sunday, finding an unexpected copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in my backpack, and a beautiful view from Han Al's third floor.

More to come. Te amo!


  1. I'm so glad you started a blog!

  2. Okay, that was just my test comment to make sure it was working! I'm glad you and Heather made it safely to Guate and that is wonderful that your fellow teachers are so welcoming and helpful. It sounds like you have quite the task set before you for this year, but I loved your insight that "But I always find that, in my most nervous moments, God reveals himself in powerful ways." I will be looking forward to hearing about those ways. :) You are going to be a wonderful teacher. Praying for you and miss you already! Elbow touch.

  3. Yay!! I'm happy your blog is up :) Hope your second day of teacher training went well!

  4. Jenny, I love that you found the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, unexpectedly in your backpack... reminds me of the note that was in Screwtape Letters... anyway, I'm so glad you and Heather made it safely to Guate! Looking forward to talking with you and Heather and hearing about all of your adventures :) Miss you and will be praying for you.

  5. You finally joined the blogosphere! Welcome friend. You will find that publicly writing about your life as if it were a novel will give you a wonderful sense of self-importance. ;-) Actually, blogging is a great way to process living in another culture and keep in touch with folks at home, so I'm looking forward to experiencing Guatemala through your eyes. sounds like this will be a big year for you. Can't wait to hear more!

  6. I keep trying to post, but cannot get by the blog police. I am pleased you are on your journey and sharing that experience with us. God's blessings.

  7. Love and hugs to you and Heather! You are both going to affect and inspire so many lives. I look forward to following your blog :) -janine

  8. Hooray! I was thinking of you and praying for you last night and I, like these many others, am excited to hear all you have to write. (I'm also, less importantly, very happy that you think Garfield Minus Garfield rates to be worthy of linkage on your blog.)
    So: is "Guate" pronounced GWAH-tee?

  9. Jenny...so looking forward to experiencing this adventure with you. Praying for safety, skills, and fun!!!! Love you Auntie Deidre

  10. Hey Charity, I think "Guate" is GWAH-TE. And I think Garfield Minus Garfield is always worthy of linkage:)
